Carbajal Statement on Juneteenth Becoming a Federal Holiday

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Tags: Congress

Washington, DC – Congressman Carbajal issued the following statement after President Joe Biden signed S. 475, the Juneteenth National Independence Day Act, into law. Rep. Carbajal voted to pass this legislation in the House last night, where it passed with bipartisan support. “Slavery was a scourge on our nation’s history that should not be ignored or swept under the…

Carbajal Announces Penny Borenstein, Van Do-Reynoso As Virtual Guests to Presidential Address

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 Santa Barbara, CA – Today, Rep. Carbajal named San Luis Obispo County Public Health Director Dr. Penny Borenstein and Santa Barbara County Public Health Director Dr. Van Do-Reynoso as his virtual guests to President Biden’s Joint Address to Congress on Wednesday. The Joint Address, which is President Biden’s first speech to a Joint Session of Congress, marks 100 days into the…

Carbajal Announces Central Coast Community Health Centers to Receive $11.6 Million in American Rescue Plan Funding to Expand Access to COVID-19 Vaccines

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Santa Barbara, CA – Today, Rep. Salud Carbajal announced that three Central Coast Community Health Centers will receive a total of $11.6 million in American Rescue Plan funds to expand their COVID-19 vaccination and treatment operations. The resources are part of the American Rescue Plan’s investments to expand access to vaccines in underserved communities. Central Coast-based federal…

Rep. Carbajal Helps Usher Bipartisan Immigration Bill Through House

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Washington, DC – Today, Rep. Salud Carbajal joined a bipartisan coalition of lawmakers in voting to pass the Farm Workforce Modernization Act, which makes pragmatic reforms to our immigration system by providing fairness for farmworkers and stability to agriculture producers. Rep. Carbajal played a central role as one of nine lawmakers who worked across party lines to craft the proposal…

Reps. Carbajal, LaMalfa Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Fund Forest Roads

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Washington, D.C. -- Today, Rep. Salud Carbajal (D-CA-24) and Rep. Doug LaMalfa (R-CA-1) introduced the Funding Our Roads and Ecosystems Sustainably Together (FOREST) Act to help ensure forest roads in California and across the nation have the funding needed to maintain their infrastructure and keep communities safe. Currently, the National Park Service (NPS) receives $292 million to…

Rep. Carbajal Votes to Pass COVID-19 Rescue Plan, Heads to President Biden’s Desk for Signature

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 Washington, DC – Today, Rep. Carbajal voted to pass the Senate-amended version of H.R. 1319, the American Rescue Plan. This $1.9 Trillion COVID-19 relief package delivers critical resources to help Americans overcome the lingering challenges presented by the pandemic. The package sends $15 billion to California to facilitate a safe return to the classroom, commits $20 billion to…

Carbajal, Cárdenas Introduce Bill to Expand Access to Emergency Meals

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WASHINGTON, DC – On Monday, Representatives Salud Carbajal (CA-24) and Tony Cárdenas (CA-29) introduced the Expanding Access to Emergency Meals Act. This bill ensures that all low-income families have access to emergency meals funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) public assistance during future emergencies and disasters. “The pandemic has forced millions of Americans…

Carbajal, Central Coast Colleagues Introduce California Land Protection Act

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Santa Barbara, CA – Today, Rep. Salud Carbajal introduced the California Land Protection Act. The legislation would block new fracking or oil and gas drilling on federal lands on California’s central and southern coasts. The bill is a direct response to the Trump administration’s move last year to allow the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to pursue oil and gas leasing on over 1.2 million…

National Defense Spending Bill Passes House

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Washington, DC – Tonight, the House passed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) Conference Report for the 2021 fiscal year by a vote of 335 to 78, a veto-proof majority. As a conferee, Rep. Salud Carbajal played a key role in drafting the final product, which includes several wins for the Central Coast. “Every year, Congress sets aside our differences and passes a bipartisan…

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