Carbajal, Harris, Feinstein Advocate for Vandenberg Air Force Base as U.S. Space Command Headquarters

For Immediate Release

August 4, 2020

Rep. Carbajal: Isabelle Bock | 202-774-6685
Sen. Feinstein: Anthony Rivera-Rodriguez | 202-224-6442
Sen. Harris: Meaghan Lynch | 202-280-8542

Santa Barbara, CA – Yesterday, Rep. Carbajal, along with U.S. Senators Dianne Feinstein and Kamala Harris, wrote to the Secretary of the Air Force to express strong support for selection of Vandenberg Air Force Base as the permanent location for U.S. Space Command headquarters.

Vandenberg Air Force Base would provide several strategic advantages as the home of U.S. Space Command, including its existing space situational awareness through the Combined Space Operations Center, its location as the West Coast launch site for the Department of Defense, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and private partners, and its proximity to the Space and Missile Systems Center at Los Angeles Air Force Base.

“Our Central Coast community is eager to welcome the U.S. Space Command to Vandenberg Air Force Base,” said Rep. Carbajal. “Vandenberg has garnered support for the U.S. Space Command nomination from a variety of local and state stakeholders, boasts an unparalleled talent pool, and is a prime location to host the U.S. Space Command. Nowhere is better suited for U.S. Space Command than Vandenberg Air Force Base.” 

“Vandenberg Air Force Base would be an excellent home for U.S. Space Command headquarters,” said Senator Feinstein. “It already serves as a launch site for the Defense Department and NASA and houses the Missile Defense Agency. Additionally, the Central Coast’s long history as a leader in the aerospace industry means the community has a deep pool of talent ready to work with Space Command. I’m proud to join my colleagues to urge the Air Force to select Vandenberg AFB.”

Final selection is expected later this year.

Read the full letter here or below.

August 3, 2020

The Honorable Barbara Barrett
Secretary of the Air Force
1670 Air Force Pentagon
Washington, D.C. 20330-1670

Dear Secretary Barrett,

We write to you today to express our strong support for the selection of Vandenberg Air Force Base as the permanent location for U.S. Space Command headquarters.

Vandenberg’s existing space-related missions and assets, along with its proximity to the Space and Missile Systems Center at Los Angeles Air Force Base, would offer Space Command unique and unparalleled advantages.

The base supports space situational awareness through the Combined Space Operations Center and serves as the West Coast launch site for the Department of Defense, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and private partners. Vandenberg also serves a critical role in our homeland defense through its Missile Defense Agency capabilities.

In addition, the region offers a highly qualified workforce for aerospace engineering. California is a proven leader in the technology industry and the Central Coast is home to multiple world class research universities. Ultimately, Vandenberg offers an unparalleled talent pool to defend our national interests in space.

In 2019, the Air Force announced that Vandenberg was one of six locations selected as candidate bases to host Space Command. Since then, support within the region has only grown and our community is eager to welcome the Command to California. We are pleased to include with this letter statements of support from stakeholders, spanning from elected officials to leaders in business and education.

Thank you for the consideration and we urge you to give Vandenberg all due consideration when selecting the future home for Space Command.


Salud Carbajal                                                                                       Dianne Feinstein                                                                                 Kamala D. Harris

Member of Congress                                                                             United States Senator                                                                         United States Senator

Rep. Salud Carbajal represents California’s 24th Congressional District that includes San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and part of Ventura counties.


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