Carbajal Condemns Trump Administration’s Rollback of California Fuel Standards

Santa Barbara, CA – Today, following the Trump Administration’s announcement that it will seek to rollback current fuel economy and emissions standards and nullify California’s waiver, Congressman Carbajal (CA-24) joined Rep. Mark Desaulnier (CA-11) and 59 Members of Congress in announcing a resolution, H.Con.Res 130, to oppose the move.

“We cannot allow an Administration that is unwilling to accept the realities of climate change roll back the progress our state has made to improve public health and reduce harmful emissions,” said Carbajal “California is proof that innovation and sustainability go hand-in-hand with economic success. Just last month, California announced that greenhouse gas emissions dropped 13% since they peaked in 2004 and in that same period our economy grew by 26%.

“The Central Coast is already experiencing major climate change impacts, like wildfires and drought. We can save lives, property, and money when we work to proactively mitigate these increasingly destructive events. We simply cannot afford inaction on the most significant challenge of our time.”  

H.Con.Res 130 expresses support for the existing federal clean car standards and states’ right to adopt California’s more stringent standards. Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) has authored a companion resolution in the Senate.



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