Carbajal, Fitzpatrick Introduce the MARKET CHOICE Act

Today, Congressman Salud Carbajal (CA-24) and Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick (PA-01) re-introduced the bipartisan MARKET CHOICE Act.

By eliminating the gas tax in exchange for implementing a tax on greenhouse gas emissions, this initiative would diminish the detrimental impacts of such emissions while making critical investments in American infrastructure.

The bill also establishes a bipartisan National Climate Commission to set goals and review the effectiveness of the federal government’s existing policies and programs for emissions reduction.

“Climate change demands our immediate attention and the Market Choice Act is a crucial way to move the ball forward while revitalizing our infrastructure and promoting prosperity across our nation,” 
said Congressman Carbajal. “Not only will this bill tackle carbon pollution, it will also create economic opportunities for communities like mine on the Central Coast and support thousand of good-paying jobs to make sure our clean energy transition is one that grows our middle class as well. This bill is a smart solution to on our generation’s greatest challenges, and I’m proud to join my colleagues on both sides of the aisle in reintroducing it.”

“As COP28 meets this month and as the United States moves into the third year of the implementation of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, two of our nation’s greatest problems continue to persist without any long-term solution,” said Congressman Fitzpatrick. “Our bipartisan MARKET CHOICE Act lays out a bold, comprehensive framework for how the United States can improve affordability for American families, create innovative new job opportunities, further reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and substantively invest in our physical infrastructure for generations to come. I am grateful to Rep. Carbajal and all our partners for their leadership on this equally bold and practical approach to the climate and infrastructure challenges ahead.”

What They're Saying:

“The bipartisan MARKET CHOICE Act championed by Congressmen Fitzpatrick and Carbajal prioritizes the infrastructure, energy, and economic needs of the American people,” said former Congressman Carlos Curbelo. “This legislation will open a multitude of new doors for American workers and provide new opportunities for communities across the nation to strengthen their infrastructure. It is a bold, innovative, and fiscally disciplined solution to the environmental challenges we face today.”

"I applaud Congressman Fitzpatrick for his continued leadership of the MARKET CHOICE Act. It is time for Congress to stop approaching climate issues with makeshift policies like subsidies and further enlarging the regulatory morass,” said Ambassador & former Congressman Francis Rooney. “The existing balkanized system favors special interests with distorted markets and protectionist policies that stifle innovation and consumer choice. A border-adjusted carbon tax, like Congressman Fitzpatrick's bill, is the type of market-based approach to climate policy that can achieve our decarbonization goals and maintain our economic edge."

"We commend Representatives Fitzpatrick and Carbajal for their continued leadership to address climate change through the reintroduction of the MARKET CHOICE Act,” said Kasey White, Director of Climate Policy, Niskanen Center. “As world leaders gather at COP28, it is critical that the United States remain at the forefront of measures to limit the magnitude and impact of climate change. The MARKET CHOICE Act is a bold, bipartisan, and fiscally-responsible policy that not only ensures American leadership in decarbonization but also allows domestic producers to compete effectively in the global marketplace."

"It’s time for the U.S. to seriously consider a carbon tax. It’s the only policy that addresses two of our country’s most pressing problems: climate change and fiscal instability,” said Alex Flint, Executive Director, Alliance for Market Solutions. “We commend Congressman Fitzpatrick for always beating this drum."

“The reintroduction of the Market Choice Act shows that there is bipartisan support in Congress for putting a price on carbon,” said Nat Keohane, President of the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (C2ES). “The increasing impacts of extreme weather events remind us that more action is needed to avoid the worst impacts of climate change. We know that market prices shape economic decisions, and carbon is no different. A price on carbon would spur investment into clean energy and climate action, encourage the development and deployment of clean energy technologies, and position the U.S. to win the global clean energy race while also helping to cut emissions in line with the nation’s targets. A carbon price would also help make every other climate policy more effective, by aligning the whole of the economy with the low-carbon transition. We look forward to working with Congress, companies, and other stakeholders to move this vital conversation forward.”

"Citizens’ Climate Lobby welcomes the reintroduction of the MARKET CHOICE Act. A steadily rising fee on carbon pollution continues to be one of the most effective policies available to reduce carbon emissions,” said Ben Pendergrass, Vice President of Government Affairs, Citizens’ Climate Lobby. “The MARKET CHOICE Act utilizes this critical tool to build a cleaner, healthier America. We’re encouraged to see that the starting price and rate of increase specified in the bill continue to be more ambitious than in original iterations of the legislation — that is an appropriate response to the increasing climate impacts Americans face. We are grateful for Representatives Brian Fitzpatrick and Salud Carbajal's continued leadership on this issue and commitment to bipartisan action on climate.”

“A nationwide carbon price is the most cost-effective policy option to significantly lower emissions and encourage clean energy investments across the economy,” said Greg Bertelsen, CEO, Climate Leadership Council. “By enacting a predictable price on carbon, we can harness the power of market forces to lower emissions and stimulate innovation in all sectors. The Climate Leadership Council supports efforts like the MARKET CHOICE Act that would benefit the environment and strengthen the U.S. economy.”

“The Market Choice Act is a conservative market-based approach that cuts carbon pollution responsible for climate-fueled weather extremes and advances fairness in our energy system. For far too long, energy markets in the United States have privatized the profits and placed the detrimental health and environmental costs of carbon pollution at the foot of American families,” said The Rev. Dr. Jessica Moerman, President and CEO of the Evangelical Environmental Network. “Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick has recognized this problem and has proposed an effective solution. The Market Choice Act corrects this major market failure all while defending our children’s health and future from carbon pollution. As evangelicals called to defend life from all harms, we are grateful for Congressman Fitzpatrick’s leadership on the Market Choice Act.”

"Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick has been a strong climate ally for many years, consistently supporting policies to reduce harmful pollution and promote healthier communities and a livable planet Environmental Defense Fund thanks him for his willingness to put solutions on the table and work toward a cleaner and safer future for everyone. A carbon tax must be accompanied by a broader suite of policies that complement EPA’s existing regulatory authority and facilitate a rapid and just transition from fossil fuels while not adding an even greater burden to communities already exposed to the highest levels of pollution and gravest threats of climate change. We look forward to working with Rep. Fitzpatrick and his colleagues to build bipartisan support for bold, concrete, and equitable climate solutions."  

“The United States is closer to reaching its 2030 emissions reductions targets, thanks in part to several major policy wins over the last few years,” said Laura Brannen, Senior Policy Advisor and Federal Climate Policy Lead, The Nature Conservancy. “But we need to do more to firmly put the U.S. on a path to reaching net-zero by mid-century. The investments driven and enabled by the MARKET Choice Act would reach across the economy and well beyond 2030. Representatives Fitzpatrick and Carbajal are helping to lead the way with this forward-thinking and bipartisan legislation.”

“With 2023 almost certain to be the hottest year on record, and report after report telling us that we are not on target to meet our global emission reductions goals necessary to prevent the worst impacts of unmitigated climate change, WRI is pleased to see Representative Fitzpatrick’s introduction of the bipartisan Market Choice Act to address climate change. While Congress has recently enacted significant measures to curb climate change, the science is clear: we must take additional action and have no time to waste. We are particularly pleased to see a serious bipartisan proposal to use market forces to help address climate change. We hope that additional members of both parties will support smart climate policies like the Market Choice Act, and we commend Mr. Fitzpatrick and Mr. Carbajal for their leadership,” said Dr. Daniel Lashof, U.S. Director, World Resources Institute. “WRI looks forward to working with any and all in Congress who are ready to champion serious climate policies.”

“We applaud Congressman Fitzpatrick for his continued commitment to advancing smart and effective climate solutions. A price on carbon is the most powerful and fiscally-responsible tool we have to unleash the innovative power of the U.S. economy, promote clean energy and create jobs, and hold foreign polluters accountable,” said George Behrakis, President, Young Conservatives for Carbon Dividends. “With this legislation, Congressman Fitzpatrick demonstrates that good climate policy can be firmly in line with conservative values.”

Read the text of the bill HERE.



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