Rep. Carbajal Votes to Hold Russia Accountable for War Crimes in Ukraine

Carbajal joins bipartisan majority in House to pass Ukraine War Crime Deterrence and Accountability Act

Congressman Salud Carbajal joined a bipartisan majority of the U.S. House of Representatives to pass legislation that will help hold Russia accountable for war crimes committed by its forces in Ukraine.

Today, Congressman Salud Carbajal joined a bipartisan majority of the U.S. House of Representatives to pass legislation that will help hold Russia accountable for war crimes committed by its forces in Ukraine.

The Ukraine War Crime Deterrence and Accountability Act would require the United States Department of State to collect and preserve any and all evidence of war crimes committed by Russian forces in Ukraine.

“I’ve been shocked and horrified at the images of atrocities in Bucha, Mariupol, and other parts of Ukraine, which have rightly drawn international condemnation. While the United States continues to support Ukraine’s efforts to repel Russia and end this conflict, we must also ensure we officially collect the evidence necessary to hold Russia accountable for war crimes committed during its unprovoked invasion,” said Rep. Carbajal. “Today, I voted to ensure U.S. agencies follow through on preserving evidence of executions, torture, rape, and other blatant violations of international law and the Geneva Conventions, and that Congress is updated on how we will share those resources with the allies and international organizations to identify and prosecute war criminals.”

The legislation passed today also requires the State Department to report to Congress the steps the United States will take to coordinate with allies and international organizations in identifying and prosecuting those responsible for war crimes or any other atrocities during the unprovoked Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Congressman Carbajal has been working in Congress to support Ukraine with both military aid and humanitarian assistance and impose crippling sanctions on Russia to undermine its war effort.

Last month, Rep. Carbajal helped approve $13.6 billion in emergency humanitarian, economic, and security assistance for Ukraine. That funding has enabled transfers of key military equipment to Ukraine in recent weeks.

Earlier this week, Rep. Carbajal joined a bipartisan group of seven Democrats and 10 Republicans in urging the Biden Administration to increase and expedite the transfer of defense equipment to Ukraine.

In a letter to President Biden, the lawmakers called on the administration to help finalize the transfer of the S-300 surface-to-air missile system, provide increased radar capabilities to protect Ukrainian air space, and help supply anti-ship missiles to defend the Ukrainian coastline.

Rep. Carbajal also voted to formalize President Biden’s ban on the import of Russian oil and gas–a key source of revenue for Russian President Vladimir Putin’s war effort–and to authorize new sanctions against members of the Russian government and military who are engaged in human rights abuses in Ukraine.

Rep. Salud Carbajal represents California’s 24th congressional district, encompassing Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo and part of Ventura County. He sits on the House Armed Services Committee, Agriculture Committee, and Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, where he serves as the Chair of the Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation.


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