Nearly $8 Million for San Luis Obispo County Projects Set to Become Law Today Thanks to Rep. Carbajal’s Advocacy

Congressman Salud Carbajal announced that $7,975,000 in direct funding for San Luis Obispo County community projects will be signed into law by President Biden after more than a year of advocacy for critical local projects.

Today, Congressman Salud Carbajal announced that $7,975,000 in direct funding for San Luis Obispo County community projects will be signed into law by President Biden after more than a year of advocacy for critical local projects.

The projects receiving funding have garnered community support and will help improve quality of life for residents of San Luis Obispo by supporting public safety, affordable housing, and water systems.

“I have, and always will, use my seat in Congress to work to deliver real results for Central Coast residents. I am proud to have secured over $17 million for local projects – including nearly $8 million for San Luis Obispo County – that will make our community safer and stronger,” said Rep. Carbajal. “With these funds, we will be able to make improvements to our public safety, create more affordable housing units for families, and protect our water supply. These projects will go a long way toward improving quality of life on the Central Coast and I look forward to seeing them signed into law later today.”

The following projects were approved as a part of a government spending bill for Fiscal Year 2022 approved by Congress last week:

$5,600,000 for the County of San Luis Obispo Public Safety Communication System

The County of San Luis Obispo Public Safety Communications System Upgrade Project includes six interrelated infrastructure initiatives that will greatly enhance the radio communications system used by public safety, fire, and emergency medical first responders throughout the county.

“We greatly appreciate Rep. Carbajal’s work to secure these funds that will greatly enhance the radio communications system used our public safety, fire, and emergency medical first responders throughout the county,” said Bruce Gibson, District Two Supervisor for the County of San Luis Obispo and Chair of the San Luis Obispo Board of Supervisors. “This funding will address critical upgrades to aging public safety infrastructure and provide enhancements to communications throughout SLO County.”

Background: The project will accomplish several goals: fund the replacement of end-of-life communications tower infrastructure that has been in service for over fifty years; establish new communication sites that will expand public safety radio signal coverage area in rural areas that currently have poor/no reception; and expand the existing radio channels used countywide with a new channel for use by law enforcement and emergency medical first responders.

$2,000,000 for the Housing Authority of San Luis Obispo’s Anderson Hotel

This project would allow the Housing Authority of San Luis Obispo to control and operate the property through a lease with the owners, 955 Partnership, with subsidies provided under a Housing and Urban Development multifamily subsidy contract. The project will also allow HASLO to provide 68 Project Based Vouchers at the Anderson Hotel, so that permanent affordability is guaranteed for current and future residents.

“This is an important financial building block toward saving the Anderson  Hotel as affordable housing, and we applaud Congressman Carbajal for his leadership,” said Scott Smith, Executive Director for the Housing Authority of the City of San Luis Obispo (HASLO).

Background: The Anderson Hotel is a 5-story 1920’s era building in downtown San Luis Obispo that has provided deeply affordable housing to the extremely low income, frail seniors, and the people with disabilities for the past 40-50 years. The average age of residents is approximately 70 years old, and the average monthly income is around $1,000.

$375,000 for Cambria Community Services District Water Tanks

This project includes refurbishment of existing 125,000- and 212,000-gallon tanks, representing approximately 20% of the storage available within the potable water distribution system. Existing water tanks have surpassed their operational life expectancy.

“At a time when much of the U.S. faces growing, and often unfunded, infrastructure needs, the CCSD is grateful to receive these timely federal funds to complete necessary improvements to its water storage and distribution system,” said John Weigold, General Manager of the Cambria Community Services District. “Being a small community services district, we are often unable to compete for grants and loans at the federal level and appreciate this direct support from Washington.”

Reliable water system storage is critical to ensure adequate flows for fire suppression, sanitation, and human consumption.

Background on Community Funding Projects:

Last year, the Chair of the House Committee on Appropriations announced the committee would accept Community Project Funding (CPF) requests from Members of Congress. Each Member was limited to submitting no more than 10 Community Project Funding requests for Fiscal Year 2022 and there was no guarantee all requested projects would be funded.

Projects were secured by Rep. Carbajal for both Santa Barbara County and San Luis Obispo County. More information on the Santa Barbara projects can be found here.

More information on the CPF requests Rep. Carbajal submitted to the House Appropriations Committee can be found here.

Rep. Salud Carbajal represents California’s 24th congressional district, encompassing Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo and part of Ventura County. He sits on the House Armed Services Committee, Agriculture Committee, and Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, where he serves as the Chair of the Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation.

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