Carbajal introduces resolution honoring frontline workers, urges Congress meet safety and equipment needs

Building upon the third coronavirus relief bill that was signed into law last week, Rep. Salud Carbajal introduced a bipartisan resolution, H. Res. 913, thanking workers on the frontlines of the coronavirus crisis and reaffirming Congress’ responsibility to meet the safety needs of these workers by providing ample resources and protective equipment.

“From health care workers and food service providers to postal workers, first responders and farmworkers—people across the nation are putting their safety on the line to keep our communities healthy and functioning in the face of pandemic,” said Rep. Carbajal. “Not only do these heroes deserve our gratitude, they also deserve the commitment of Congress and the entire federal government that we will keep working to ensure they have the equipment and support they need.

“My bipartisan resolution urges Congress to recommit to frontline workers and do everything in our power to bring them more personal protective equipment and stronger safety protections. These workers are essential to every community and to our nation’s economy—we must treat them as such and uplift them in every way we can. I am grateful to all of the frontline workers serving our communities.”

As laid out in the resolution, frontline workers of the coronavirus pandemic include health care workers, emergency responders, grocery and food service workers, farmworkers, public works employees, postal and delivery workers, and numerous others.

This bipartisan piece of legislation is cosponsored by Reps. Lieu (D-CA-33), García (D-IL-04), Costa (D-CA-16), Sánchez (D-CA-38), Cisneros (D-CA-39), Kelly (R-PA-16), Brown (D-MD-04), Lofgren (D-CA-19), Neguse (D-CO-02), Stevens (D-MI-11), Hill (R-AK-02), Velázquez (D-NY-07), Shalala (D-FL-27), Crist (D-FL-13), Garcia (D-TX-29), Bacon (R-NE-02), Soto (D-FL-09), Suozzi (D-NY-03), Rose (D-NY-11), Mitchell (R-MI-10).

Last week, Congress passed and the president signed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act, a $2.2 trillion bill that—among other provisions—invests $200 billion in hospitals, health systems and personal protective equipment. At present, hospitals across the country continue to grapple with a shortage of personal protective equipment including masks, gloves and other protective gear.


Read the full resolution here and below:

H. RES. 913, Expressing support for frontline workers of the COVID–19 pandemic.



Expressing support for frontline workers of the COVID–19 pandemic.

Whereas Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data show that as of March 26, 2020, there are nearly 70,000 confirmed cases of COVID–19 in the United States and growing;

Whereas all 50 States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the United States Virgin Islands have reported cases of COVID–19;

Whereas 27 States are reporting community spread of COVID–19 as of March 21, 2020;

Whereas the World Health Organization 2006 World Health Report defines a health care worker as an individual whose job it is to protect and improve the health of their community and to make important contributions, and who is critical to the functioning of most health systems;

Whereas the COVID–19 pandemic has rapidly intensified the daily lives of health care workers;

Whereas public health experts report the United States will face a shortage of health care providers as cases of COVID–19 escalate;

Whereas first responders, including firefighters, emergency medical technicians, law enforcement, and other emergency management personnel, are facing unprecedented challenges to stay healthy and serve their communities;

Whereas grocery and food service workers across the Nation are working to meet the essential demands of keeping shelves stocked and preparing food for the United States amid COVID–19, while facing a greater infection risk from higher levels of public interaction;

Whereas, as cases of COVID–19 spread, farmworkers continue working hard in the fields to harvest the produce that feeds families across America every day;

Whereas public works employees, including sanitization personnel, continue to keep our streets and public spaces clean;

Whereas postal and delivery workers continue to keep their delivery operations working as part of the Nation’s critical infrastructure by delivering medicines, Social Security checks, and other essential goods; and

Whereas a March 19, 2020, Guidance Memo issued by the Department of Homeland Security recognized health care providers, first responders, public safety and law enforcement officers, workers supporting groceries, and farmworkers as being part of an “Essential Critical Infrastructure” workforce: Now, therefore, be it

Resolved, That the House of Representatives—

(1) honors and recognizes the contributions of all frontline workers and essential critical infrastructure personnel; and

(2) reaffirms the responsibility of Congress to find ways to meet the needs of frontline workers for the most effective personal protective equipment and other necessary tools to safely carry out their jobs.


Rep. Salud Carbajal represents California’s 24th Congressional District, encompassing all of Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo counties, and part of Ventura County. 

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