Rep. Carbajal: 2019 in Numbers

Tags: Congress

Today, Rep. Salud Carbajal released a numerical summary of 2019 accomplishments on the Central Coast and in the U.S. House of Representatives. The summary includes the number of constituents served, number of bills Carbajal introduced, community events held and more. See the full summary below.

“It has been a memorable year for our district and for our nation at large. I’m proud of what we achieved for our environment, health care, safety and democracy,” said Rep. Carbajal. “I’m also proud that, as a community, we continued coming together to address our challenges, talk about our priorities and fight for our common goals. I look forward to next year and I promise to keep working in the House majority to secure more wins and further amplify the voice of our Central Coast.”

This year, Rep. Carbajal:

  • Hosted over 30 community events including town halls, roundtables and sidewalk office hours.
  • Responded to over 80,000 constituent letters.
  • Introduced 20 bills on issues ranging from environmental protections, affordable education and a strong agriculture workforce to gun violence prevention, maritime safety and disaster preparedness.
  • Helped over 700 constituents get $752,675.27 back through casework assistance with federal agencies.
  • Served as a member of the House Armed Services and Agriculture Committees, and served as vice chair of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee.
  • Supported a wide variety of bills that stand up for Central Coast values. Fifty-two percent of the bills Rep. Carbajal co-sponsored in 2019 were bipartisan efforts.
  • As a whole, the democratically controlled House has passed more than 275 bipartisan bills that are waiting for action from Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.


Rep. Salud Carbajal represents California’s 24th congressional district, encompassing Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo and part of Ventura County.

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