Rep. Carbajal scores funding wins for CA-24 schools

Rep. Salud Cabajal (CA-24) and other members of the California delegation successfully included millions in critical research funding for schools like Cal Poly San Luis Obispo and the University of California, Santa Barbara in an appropriations package passed by the House this week.

The funding came in the form of two priority requests championed by Carbajal, Rep. Norma J. Torres (CA-35) and Rep. Grace F. Napolitano (CA-32). The first request sets aside $4 million for schools like UC Santa Barbara to collaborate with the U.S. Army on biotechnology research that would advance military performance and increase understanding of human cognition. The second request allots $5 million for schools like Cal Poly to conduct advanced aerospace propulsion research in conjunction with the U.S. Air Force. Both funding measures passed in a broader 2020 House appropriations bill.

“Our California universities are leaders in research, technology and development—this funding only enhances that leadership,” said Rep. Salud Carbajal. “Educational partnerships between our universities and our armed forces will not only bring positive change to our state, but to our nation at large. I am so glad that my colleagues and I were able to play a part in the incredible developments Cal Poly and UC Santa Barbara will make with this funding in the aerodynamics and biotechnology fields.”

“Inland Empire universities make incredible contributions to our community, and to our nation as a whole,” said Rep. Norma J. Torres. “I’m proud to work with my good friend Congressman Carbajal on this important funding, which will enhance the partnerships between our universities and the federal government.”

“We greatly appreciate Congressman Salud Carbajal’s leadership to secure increased funding for biotechnology research at University Affiliated Research Centers, including the Institute for Collaborative Biotechnologies (ICB) at UC Santa Barbara,” said ICB Co-Director Dr. Scott Grafton. “This funding enables further fundamental scientific research at leading California universities in the fields of synthetic biology, bio-enabled materials, and cognitive neuroscience, all of which are critically important to our future national security.”

“This partnership presents an exciting prospect for Cal Poly to enhance its already excellent CubeSAT program and provide our students with even greater opportunity for real-world research and innovative, hands-on laboratory work,” said Amy S. Fleischer, dean of Cal Poly’s College of Engineering. “Cal Poly is one of the innovators of the CubeSAT technology, and the proposed funding will allow for key improvements to our facilities—keeping our program and our graduates at the forefront of the small-satellite industry.”

The appropriations package now moves to the Senate.

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