Carbajal and Bacon Discuss Future of Agriculture and Transportation in Bipartisan Congressional Exchange Program

WATCH: Representatives Carbajal and Bacon discuss bipartisan exchange visit to Omaha

The Congressmen visited various locations throughout the Second Congressional District of Nebraska engaging in discussions on transportation, agriculture, and national defense. These visits reflect the Members commitment to civility in Congress when working together on areas of common interest.

"When I was sworn in to serve the Central Coast, civility and bipartisanship remained my guiding principles to find common ground and improve the lives of families in the 24th District," said Rep. Carbajal. "During our first term serving together, Mr. Bacon and I have not only worked across the aisle on legislative issues related to healthcare and immigration, but we have also developed a great bipartisan friendship. I thank Congressman Bacon for the opportunity to visit Nebraska's Second District, to exchange ideas related to agriculture and transportation infrastructure in the Cornhusker State.”

“During my nearly thirty years of service in the Air Force, being able to work with others regardless of political differences was integral, and I feel it is the same in my service to the Second District of Nebraska,” said Rep. Bacon. “Mr. Carbajal and I have developed a close friendship through our work together on issues such as immigration, healthcare and military. I am thrilled he was able to visit and I look forward to visiting his district in the future.”

The Congressmen visited Union Pacific to learn about transportation issues, Whispering Roots for urban agriculture, Offutt Airforce Base and the 55th Wing for defense and the University of Nebraska at Omaha for discussions on public finance of national defense and infrastructure.


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