Congressman Salud Carbajal Introduces the California Clean Coast Act

First Legislation Bans Future Oil Drilling Off Coast

Santa Barbara – Today, Congressman Salud Carbajal (D-CA) held a press conference announcing the introduction of his first piece of legislation in the United States Congress.

The California Clean Coast Act permanently bans future offshore oil and gas leasing in areas of the Outer Continental Shelf off the coast of California. The announcement coincides with the anniversary of the 1969 Santa Barbara oil spill, in which 100,000 barrels of crude oil were spilled into the waters off of California's Central Coast.

Representatives from the Environmental Defense Center, the Sierra Club, Get Oil Out!, and the owner of Santa Barbara Adventures joined Congressman Carbajal voicing their support for the legislation:

“I undoubtedly represent one of the most beautiful and ecologically diverse Districts in Congress,” said Rep. Carbajal. “With this incredible privilege also comes the great responsibility to serve as stewards of our environment. In California, our coastal communities, local economies, and fragile ocean ecosystems cannot afford another disastrous oil spill. That is why it is critical that we pass this legislation to protect our coastal environment from further oil drilling and preserve its beauty and vibrancy for future generations.”

“Now more than ever, it is important for our community and the State of California to send a strong message to our federal government that further oil leasing and development off our coast is unacceptable,” said Linda Krop, Chief Counsel of the Environmental Defense Center. “Our coast and community are still recovering from the 2015 oil pipeline spill which reminded us that it is not a question of if, but when, another spill will devastate our shores. We support the California Clean Coast Act because it would help reduce this risk.”

"Santa Barbara has had more than its share of terrible coastal oil spills,” said Katy Davis, Chair of the Santa Barbara Sierra Club. “We have seen the oiled birds and felt the economic impact of spills close up. That is exactly why new oil leases in California's state and federal waters have been off limits for a long time with good reason. Thank you to Congressman Salud Carbajal for introducing the California Clean Coast Act to finally recognize and codify this fact in federal law."  

After 48 years, Get Oil Out! continues its mission of protecting our coastal environment from the historically eminent threat of oil spill disasters posed by oil production in the Santa Barbara Channel and surrounding areas,” said Michael Lyons, President, Get Oil Out! “GOO! will continue its mission until the threat no longer exists or oil "IS" out!

 “The Channel Islands and our cherished California coastline are our office, our classroom, our playground, and our sanctuary,” Michael Cohen, Owner of Santa Barbara Adventure Company said. “Let’s put our efforts and investments in energy that is clean and helps small businesses and the tourism industry alike through the preservation of a pristine coastal environment”

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