Congressional Youth ChalleNGe Caucus Co-Chairs Carbajal, Napolitano, Miller & Guthrie Lead 15 Colleagues in Commemorating 30th Anniversary of National Guard Youth ChalleNGe Program with Bipartisan Resolution

Congressional Youth ChalleNGe Caucus Co-Chairs Salud Carbajal (D-CA-24), Grace F. Napolitano (D-CA-31), Carol Miller (R-WV-01), and Brett Guthrie (R-KY-02) introduced with 15 of their colleagues H.Res.921 to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the National Guard Youth ChalleNGe Program (NGYCP).

"For the past thirty years, the National Guard Youth Challenge Program has supported the development and future success of thousands of high school students across the United States – including those who attend the Grizzly Youth Academy on the Central Coast," said Rep. Carbajal. "At a time when we see academic achievement stumbling in the years since the COVID-19 pandemic, it is critical for us to support this programming that helps so many get back on their feet academically and provides them the skills and guidance they need to graduate and succeed. I’m proud to join my colleagues to recognize the three decades of investments the Youth Challenge Program has made in our students and to show the bipartisan commitment to supporting this program in the halls of Congress."

"No longer a best kept secret thanks to the testaments of thousands of graduates of the program, the brilliant military cadre, teachers, volunteer parents, and mentors, and the advocacy of our Congressional Caucus for increased funding and improvements, the National Guard Youth ChalleNGe Program remains the most effective youth program in the nation three decades and counting," Napolitano said. "I am particularly proud of the successes of the outstanding programs we have in California--Sunburst in Los Alamitos, Grizzly in San Luis Obispo, and Discovery in Stockton. These three and the other thirty-six locations have effectively addressed our nation's dropout epidemic while greatly benefitting our local communities, our nation's ability to compete, and our economy. I thank my fellow co-chairs and all our colleagues for their continued support of Youth ChalleNGe and their ongoing commitment to giving our young people every opportunity to succeed."

“The National Guard Youth ChalleNGe Program has given incredible opportunities to thousands of at-risk high school students for three decades. NGYCP’s commitment to providing education and life skills is honorable and is a model for schools across the United States. This program provides stability and encouragement to students who are exploring every option, instead of placing expectations for what a career should look like. I am grateful to NGYCP and am confident it will serve our communities for years to come,” said Congresswoman Miller. 

“As the representative of the Bluegrass Challenge Academy at Fort Knox, I am proud to help commemorate the 30th anniversary of the National Guard Youth ChalleNGe Program’s (NGYCP) which has helped more than 200,000 students graduate from this program over the last 30 years nation-wide. Programs like the Bluegrass Challenge Academy have had great success in helping at-risk youth get back on track and meet their educational goals, including helping students complete high school. Congratulations once again to the National Guard Youth ChalleNGe Program, and I look forward to the next 30 years of your hard work shaping our nation’s students,” said Congressman Guthrie.

Co-Chairs Napolitano, Carbajal, Miller, and Guthrie were joined in introducing the resolution by: Reps. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC) ; Ken Calvert (R-CA-41); André Carson (D-IN-07); Ryan Zinke (R-MT-01); Morgan McGarvey (D-KY-03); Bill Huizenga (R-MI-04); Shri Thanedar (D-MI-13); Jennifer Kiggans (R-VA-02); Jill Tokuda (D-HI-02); Alex Mooney (R-WV-02); Josh Harder (D-CA-09); Julia Letlow (R-LA-05); Michelle Steel (R-CA-45); Harold Rogers (R-KY-05); and William Timmons (R-SC-04).

Congressionally-mandated, the NGYCP has for thirty years provided successful, free, and alternative education and structured discipline for at-risk youth between the ages of 16 and 18. NGYCP has thirty-nine program locations in twenty-eight states, Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico and has been responsible for the graduation of over 200,000 Youth Challenge and Job Challenge Program participants since 1993.

Additionally, the program has been responsible for credentialing over 184,000 cadets (credentials are defined as High School Equivalency Diploma, High School Diploma, High School Credit, College Credit, Job Certifications and Apprenticeships). NGYCP offers an opportunity to succeed outside of traditional high school environments for over 8,000 cadets annually.

The NGYCP was born from the visionary concepts of utilizing a “whole person” intervention model to assist a generation of youth effected by gangs, violence, high dropout rates, and drug abuse. The program, which is funded through a Department of Defense-state cost-share, offers a unique opportunity for at-risk youth to change their course at a critical time in their lives.

The Senate introduced a bipartisan companion earlier this year

Full text of the House resolution is available here.

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