Rep. Carbajal Statement on Election of New Speaker of the House

Carbajal: “Restoring our basic ability to govern is long overdue, but is no great accomplishment for my colleagues across the aisle”

WASHINGTON, D.C. —  Today, Congressman Salud Carbajal (CA-24) issued the following statement on the election of a new Speaker of the House:

“Make no mistake: restoring our basic ability to govern is long overdue, but is no great accomplishment for my colleagues across the aisle, especially as House Democrats and I have stood united for the past 22 days offering a bipartisan path forward to reopen the House.

“Rather than accept that the American people want us to work together to find common ground, for the past three weeks, House Republicans have paralyzed Congress by putting their own civil war ahead of responding to urgent challenges here at home and around the world.

“And this gridlock comes after House Republicans spent 10 months pursuing an extreme agenda that has driven our economy to the brink of catastrophe and our government within hours of total shutdown. Unfortunately it seems that they are now doubling down on that agenda by selecting a Speaker whose record includes being a leading architect of the plot to overturn the 2020 election, advocating for a nationwide abortion ban, and pushing cuts to Social Security and Medicare.

“With the House finally reopen, we must act swiftly now to protect our national security, support allies like Israel, deliver assistance to innocent civilians in Gaza, aid Ukraine in its fight against Russian aggression, and uphold our nation’s values on the world stage while working to lower the cost of living and improve the quality of life for every American family.”

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