Rep. Carbajal Statement on the Motion to Remove of Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House

Today, Congressman Salud Carbajal issued the following statement following voting in favor on the motion to vacate the Speaker of the House:

“There are real challenges facing our nation, our state, and the Central Coast families that I represent. But since the beginning of this Congress, the U.S. House of Representatives under the leadership of Kevin McCarthy has moved farther and farther away from governing, and farther from the common ground needed to solve these pressing problems.

“For months, the House has seen more and more of our critical work corrupted by the far-right; from holding our budget and debt limit processes hostage for months, to a comprehensive attempt to inject extremist attacks into routine and unrelated bills.

“I am also deeply disappointed that while House Republicans claimed in January that they would be focused on critical issues like inflation when taking up their gavels, they have instead focused far more on partisan ideology and pursuing a baseless impeachment.

“While the American people need us to be fighting for them, House Republicans are now just fighting each other.

“The U.S. House of Representatives needs a new direction, one that returns our focus to govern, putting people over politics, and continuing to make progress on making life easier and more affordable for everyday Americans. For that reason, I voted yes today to vacate the Chair.”

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