Rep. Carbajal, New Dems Call for Bipartisan Immigration Reform to Strengthen Our Economy and Bring Order to the Border

Today, New Democrat Coalition Immigration and Border Security Task Force Vice Chair Salud Carbajal (CA-24) joined Task Force Chair Greg Stanton (AZ-04) and Vice Chair Lou Correa (CA-46) in leading a letter to House Leadership calling for meaningful bipartisan action to address the crisis at the southern border and strengthen our economy.

Today, New Democrat Coalition Immigration and Border Security Task Force Vice Chair Salud Carbajal (CA-24) joined Task Force Chair Greg Stanton (AZ-04) and Vice Chair Lou Correa (CA-46) in leading a letter to House Leadership calling for meaningful bipartisan action to address the crisis at the southern border and strengthen our economy.

In the letter, the New Dem Members made clear that H.R. 2 will weaken the nation’s border security by diverting law enforcement resources away from preventing drug trafficking and intercepting national security threats to detaining asylum seekers and criminalizing Dreamers. While Republicans push this harmful legislation, New Dem Members are laser-focused on passing comprehensive and strategic immigration reform that secures our border and upholds our values as a nation of immigrants.

The letter reads in part:

New Democrats support an alternative approach that provides critical investments in border security with additional pathways for legal migration, so that people can come to the United States to work, unite with their families, and seek humanitarian relief through a safe, orderly, humane process. 

… An orderly, humane migration process and a secure border can—and should—go hand-in-hand. We believe the majority of lawmakers in Congress want a border that is secure, an immigration system that works, and a country that proudly stands as a beacon of hope and safety to the rest of the world. We are ready to work with you to build a system that achieves those goals.”

In the 118th Congress, the New Dem Immigration and Border Security Task Force is committed to working with responsible Republicans, our Senate counterparts and outside stakeholders on effective reforms that improve our nation’s immigration system, secure our nation’s borders, and keep our communities safe from illicit fentanyl.  

You can read the full letter here.

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