Rep. Carbajal Statement on Biden State of the Union Address

Today, Congressman Salud Carbajal (CA-24) issued the following statement after the conclusion of President Biden’s second State of the Union address:

“One year ago, President Biden came before Congress to address the wide range of issues facing our nation–high inflation and supply chain disruptions, climate change and gun violence, and Russia’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine, which had begun only days before his last State of the Union address.

“Today, President Biden returned to remind the American people that while there is more work to be done on these and other challenges, the Biden-Harris Administration and my colleagues and I in Congress have worked together to make great strides in the past year–keeping our nation on a pathway to greater prosperity and affirming our commitment to democracy and freedom around the world.

“I appreciate President Biden’s recapping for tonight’s audience one of the most productive years Congress has had in decades: passing historic legislation that is lowering our budget deficit, cutting prescription drug and energy costs, combating gun crimes and climate change, and investing in domestic manufacturing and high-tech American jobs. And I congratulate him on historic achievement of presiding over more jobs created in a two-year period–12 million since he took office–than most modern presidents did in a four-year term, delivering an unemployment rate lower than any time since the Moon landing.

“I join President Biden in his pledge to continue working across the aisle to fight inflation (which under his leadership has already declined for 6 months in a row), create jobs and new economic opportunities, defend democracy and human rights, and secure commonsense solutions which tackle the issues that keep Central Coast families up at night.”

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