Carbajal, Cut Flower Caucus Co-Chairs Unveil ‘Don Young American Grown Act’Co-Chairs will reintroduce legislation to promote American-grown cut flowers renamed in honor of longtime champion, the late Representative Don Young
June 29, 2022
Today, the five bipartisan Co-Chairs of the Cut Flower Caucus unveiled a revised version of the American Grown Act named in honor of the late Representative Don Young of Alaska that they will introduce later this week. On Friday, Representatives Salud Carbajal (D-CA), Jaime Lynn Herrera Beutler (R-WA), Dan Newhouse (R-WA), Jimmy Panetta (D-CA), and Chellie Pingree (D-ME) will officially introduce the Don Young American Grown Act in memory of their late Co-Chair, as well as a resolution supporting the designation of July as American Grown Flower and Foliage Month. “California and the Central Coast are home to nearly three quarters of all American-grown cut flowers, and I have seen firsthand the value that this vital industry brings to the local communities and economies that I represent,” said Congressman Salud Carbajal (D-California). “Congressman Young understood the value of promoting the American growers that bring beauty to our homes and holidays, and I am pleased to join my co-chairs to carry the torch on this important legislation in his honor.” “I am proud to introduce the Don Young American Grown Act to honor the late Don Young, who championed this effort during his time in Congress, and support American farmers and the families, employees, and communities who rely upon them,” said Congressman Newshouse (R-Washington). “Over the past few years, especially during the pandemic, Mainers have embraced the ‘Buy Local’ movement – which has expanded from locally sourced foods to flowers. The cut flower industry creates jobs, supports local economies, and allows us to embrace nature’s beauty,” said Congresswoman Chellie Pingree (D-Maine). “As Co-Chair of the House Cut Flower Caucus, I’m proud to join my colleagues in celebrating this blossoming industry by designating July as American Grown Flower Month. Our support, however, should be year-round, and most importantly, homegrown. The American Grown Act is a simple, bipartisan solution that ensures federal agencies are purchasing local, American-grown flowers.” The Don Young American Grown Act requires that any cut flowers or cut green officially on display in public areas of the Executive Office of the President, Department of Defense, or Department of State be grown in the United States, District of Columbia, or Territory. This legislation was originally sponsored by the late Representative Young in both the 116th and 117th Congresses. The text of the Don Young American Grown Act can be found HERE. The text of their resolution supporting the designation of July as American Grown Flower and Foliage Month can be found HERE. Founded in 2014, the Congressional Cut Flower Caucus was created to help address, support, and represent the economic interests and opportunities facing America's flower farmers. The Congressional Cut Flower Caucus is a bipartisan coalition established to set the agenda and educate Congress on the cultural and economic value of flower and green farms. |