Salud Carbajal co-sponsors bill to investigate Russias influence on 2016 election

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“Grave questions remain” about the Russian government’s relationship with the Trump administration, Rep. Salud Carbajal said as he announced his co-sponsorship of the Protecting Our Democracy Act. The bill would create an independent commission to investigate Russia’s influence on the 2016 election and its potential influence in President Donald…

The optimist: Freshman Congressman Salud Carbajal confronts the ahistorical weirdness of Trump's Washington

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Less than a month after he was sworn in as a United States Congressman, Rep. Salud Carbajal (D-Santa Barbara) introduced his first piece of legislation. It was a bill to ban future leases for oil and gas drilling operations in federal waters off California’s coast. It’s an issue close to the heart of many of the constituents in Carbajal’s district, which includes…

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