VAFB firefighters seeking equality in benefits

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- Firefighters who work for federal agencies including Vandenberg Air Force Base Fire Department do not have the same disability and workers compensation benefits as their colleagues in other state and local agencies. They chose the Allan Hancock College Public Safety Academy in Lompoc Thursday afternoon to draw attention to the disparity in federal firefighter health benefits and the…

Carbajal, Schneider Resist Trump Community Development Block Grant Cuts

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Congressmember Salud Carbajal, Mayor Helene Schneider, and a bevy of representatives from Santa Barbara housing, career, and social service organizations descended on Ortega Park Monday afternoon to join cities across the country in denouncing President Donald Trump’s “skinny budget” proposal to fully eliminate the $3 billion Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)…

Rep. Carbajal visits Atascadero Head Start Center

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On Tuesday, Rep. Salud Carbajal (D-Santa Barbara) visited the Santos Arrona Head Start Center to interact and read with the children in the program. Head Start is a comprehensive childhood development program that focuses on increasing the school readiness of young children in low-income families. Carbajal was joined by Community Action Partnership of San Luis Obispo County…

Rep. Carbajal to host town hall meeting on needs of local veterans

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Tags: Veterans

At 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, Congressman Salud Carbajal will be available to hear concerns about veteran housing, healthcare, and mental health on the Central Coast. Carbajal will be joined by Lt. Col. Gregory Arenas, a member of the California National Guard, Cindy Conn, manager of the SLO Vet Center, and Sandy Murry, program coordinator for Veteran’s Administration Supportive Housing…

Its a Long Haul for Carbajal as a Minority Congressional Democrat

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Congressman Salud Carbajal visited Corwin Pavilion Monday night for a town hall, where he addressed attendees’ concerns about the current state of politics and his plans to combat President Donald Trump’s rhetoric and legislation. Carbajal expressed hesitant hope for progressive legislation under the Trump administration but attempted to ensure the town hall attendees that…

Santa Barbara Groups Say Threatened Federal Block-Grant Program Fills Critical Needs

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The Trump administration’s policies on issues such as climate change and immigration have received considerable push-back from local and state groups, but there’s one White House proposal flying relatively under the radar that has many local nonprofits worried. Looming over human-services organizations across the country is a provision of the administration’s…

Offshore wind could generate an onshore economic boom for the Central Coast

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Ocean winds that whip the Central Coast could be turned into an economic boom in the form of offshore wind turbines. But development of a floating wind energy farm, where towers rise above floating docks anchored to the ocean floor, likely wouldn’t begin for several years, according to representatives from a multiagency task force on renewable energy, who discussed the topic in…

Rep. Carbajal to hold town hall on veterans issues in Paso Robles

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Tags: Veterans

U.S. Rep. Salud Carbajal, who represents the 24th Congressional District, is scheduled to meet with constituents Tuesday at a town hall in Paso Robles, where the topic of discussion will be how best to meet the needs of Central Coast veterans. “The event is an opportunity for Congressman Carbajal to listen to constituent concerns and engage on veterans’ issues,…

Carbajal co-sponsors paycheck fairness legislation

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Rep. Salud Carbajal, D-Santa Barbara, recognized Equal Pay Day on Tuesday and co-sponsored the Paycheck Fairness Act, legislation that would strengthen the Equal Pay Act of 1963 and guarantee women can challenge pay discrimination. Equal Pay Day symbolizes the date when women's wages finally catch up to what men were paid in the previous year. "Over 50 years after the Equal Pay…

Repeal and Replace Vote Put on Ice

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Tags: Health

Santa Barbara Congressmember Salud Carbajal made yet another statement from the House floor on Friday, denouncing the Republicans’ health-care bill, but he never got a chance to vote against it. That’s because President Donald Trump and House Republican leader Paul Ryan pulled the American Health Care Act before Congress could act on it, knowing it lacked the votes needed…

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