Below are our district's talented artists' submissions for the 2024 Congressional Art Competition!

Please vote for your favorite submission here.

My Favorite Parts of Santa Barbara County Featuring the Coastline, Oceansports, and Hiking on Fig Mountain - Alin Ramirez Aldaz

Santa Ynez - Aliyah Cabrera

The Power of Speech - Amelia Vander May

Fruit of Spring - Andres Favian Flores-Serrato

Close Up Tree - Andrew Spencer

Drawing - Annai Nungaray

Sunset Up High - Cam Rodriguez Meza

Ocean Clouds - Cristian Xavier Camacho

Cliff Dr. Break - David Philbin

The - Ethan Hang

Blossomed Flower - Ethan Alvarenga Linares

Pretty Boy - Gianna Mills

Nature Walk - Grant McCann

A Secret Place - Kate Mebane

A Place I Called Home - Isabella Arreola

Spikes - Jared Simms

Congressional Art Competition - Jocelyn Lopez

Memorie Bloom - Joeseph Villalobos

A Moment in Bloom - Kai Tautrim

The Beauty of Camelopard - Leighton Spalinger

The Mustard Bloom - Megan Jackson

The Canyon at Dawn - Megan Jackson

Solitary Embrace - Sam Blakely

Sunny Forest - Samuel Aguirre

The Lemon - Shannon McCrary

Hidden Eclipse - Theo Weld

Echoes of Light - Tristan Santillan

Portrait of Duo and Autum - Vanessa Donato

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